I am fail but here I am. <3?

Silence reigned and Emwe felt it, too. His tail could not decide where to go, and his position was meek where his uncertain form stood at the back of the crowd. He looked at his brother and was confused, singed fur still looking as if the fire had been yesterday. He didn't feel too good, but he hadn't told anyone about that. It seemed someone else had not told him about something else; where was his father? His dad? Haku had resigned... but why? The boy whose world was made of shiny things and heroes and dragons and happiness was shaken, and he did not know who to turn to, now. He did not know the truth behind Haku's actions, and though he was glad that the war was over, he was not happy to not understand. Emwe was used to not understanding, and he didn't mind when it was unimportant stuff. His dad leaving and his brother becoming his leader was important stuff, and suddenly he felt awkward. Would Conor be really bossy now? Would they still play as they had before? He did not move but studied his brother with silvery eyes, half uncertain, and half hurt. No one had hurt him, not really; he had hurt himself in not understanding everything. He would find a new place to live, now, and not with Alexey and Conor and aunt Mew's kids and Vark. Slowly, he crept away from their heavy silence, backing out of the situation which confused him so. He did not know how much worse he had been off had he known the full extent of the reality which Conor had faced.


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