Create a Territory & Sub-Territory VI
Territory Name: Howling Caverns
[Image: michell-cavern-entrance.jpg]
Your Name: Rachael
Territory size in square miles: 9 (2-3 miles deep as well)
If a sub-territory, approximate location on the map: Center of the Haylcon Mountain, between two large peaks
Territory Description: Deep in the heart of Haylcon Mountain, resting between two of the larger peaks, lies a set of interconnected caverns that have stood the test of time. They have multiple entrances from all corners of the area they cover, some barely large enough for a rabbit, but the most prominant ones are two gaping holes on the rock face nearly 15 feet high. Humans discovered these entrances long ago but the only marks of their discovery are fences lining the overgrown path up to the caves, and the less stable sections cordonned off inside. They were so deep within the mountain, they just let it run wild even before they disppeared. Just within the mouth of the cave all light disppears and the darkness is absuloute. If there is a source of light, the rugged walls are visible with crumbling rocks falling all around. The stone is a pale golden-yellow, rough with the passing of time. The caves continue on for miles, out as well as down, and it is easy to get lost in their labyrinth. The name Howling Caverns comes from the sounds of the wind whistling through each of the caves, amongst the tiny cracks and gaping holes. Few have explored these natural anomalies, and with their inexcessibility it is possible no one ever will.

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