things we lost in the fire

There was no glory in war. Snake knew that. It ended with a word and a handshake and there was nothing more to it. There was no meaning, there was nothing. You were left with nothing, even for those lucky enough to be left with their lives. It started for nothing and it ended with nothing. Now he was out a den, his body—his temple and his weapon—was marred and his mind was cold and still and his chest ached, right where he imagined his heart should be. But this was what he was meant for. He was a soldier, cut from the threadbare fabric of childhood to be as he was. He could take this and continue on without any visible difference in his demeanor. But it didn't mean he felt nothing. Or, rather, he did feel nothing, and that was the frightening part. Snake felt empty, hollow and used. But the future was always a mysterious beast.

He half-listened to what Gabriel said, finding it hard to concentrate. Someone had been here to spell out the peace terms. So, Dahlia had overthrown their own king in an attempt for equilibrium. Something in that went against his own moral fiber, but he didn't think too much on it. Perhaps it was just that he had never imagined anyone standing against their fears. No one would dare lift a claw or blade to Patriot, and yet Haku Soul was routed from Dahlia de Mai.

But he was still out, alive and perhaps plotting. Kaena was right—there would be no peace until his twisted soul had been torn from his body. But Snake had a hard time motivating himself to go out in a party to do so. He would do so under duty and question. He never had a personal opinion in the matter. The happening of Anselm stepping down from leadership was a little more interesting, though he assumed that it was understandable. Such power was a thorny thing.

His arms crossed across his bandaged chest, Snake looked to the faces of those around him. Some were still vengeful, others reflecting relief and positive thoughts for the future. As for this stoic Hydra, there was nothing on his face. It reflected what was inside.


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