Run, baby, run.

indent Melisande awoke, lifting her head up in the twilight. It had been such a nice nap in the cool shade. It was chilly next to the river, but it was not snowing, and curling up to sleep for a while under that bright orb in the sky had made her warm from the inside out. She blinked a few times, seeing that it was later in the evening now, although a little light still shined through the trees. But she didn't get up yet, because she wasn't sure what had awaken her. It was possible that it was just a dream, but she'd thought she had heard some sort of scuffling. She looked around quietly. There it was again, the noise. So she hadn't been imagining it.

indent Soon enough a little cougar came out of the brush. He was fairly small, and didn't look too harmful. He probably wasn't even a year old, but still she stayed quiet. She was the same pure white as the snow, and very small herself.. perhaps he wouldn't see her. Then another creature of almost the exact stature and appearance came up behind him, and they proceeded to wrestle together. Brothers, excellent. She looked this way and that, wondering where she could flee to. She doubted they cared about her, but she didn't want to be caught in the middle of anything.

indent Then one of them pricked its ears up, sniffing the air curiously. Shit, she thought. It came over to where she was, and now noticed that there was a little wolven form in the snow. He reached out a paw to bat at her, and she instinctively pulled back, snarling. Both of the cats snarled back... louder. That was her cue to run. She fled as quickly as she could, towards the Yawrah. She wasn't sure how being by the river would help her, but if nothing else maybe she could throw one of them into the freezing waters.


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