i am sand
WC: 323


“Yes,” Tayui repeated, refusing to feel any emotions but certainty. There were many things she was absolutely certain of in her life, and this was one of them. She could not waver, because if she did, it would feel like her love for Shaeniire was wavering, and she would never betray Shaeniire. It might have been years ago, but the return of her children had only rekindled the memories. She had not buried them or forced herself to forget: instead, she had learned from previous times that the real answer was to accept them and embrace the memories.

She debated whether she should tell Attila about her childhood ghosts. How Aurèle thought she was mad, and how she hated had Tayui for it thinking she only wanted the attention. The truth, too, would sound preposterous. She could not tell the difference between the living and the deceased; but that was a story for another time. She seriously doubted that Attila was interested in her childhood now. He was out for the truth about his father, and all she could do was ensure he never found out. Not now.

A smile broke out across her face as Attila spoke again. Her grin was silly and wide as she returned her son’s wink.

“You’re all the best thing that could have happened to me,” she admitted truthfully. “I may not have ever loved him, but know I will always love you.” She grinned again, nuzzling her son one more time for good measure. No matter what she thought about Haku, she needed her son to know she loved him. Even if he had to leave and come back one hundred times to realize it, she would always love him. He could put up a brave front and try to understand, but she wanted him to know for certain that her love for him would never be hindered by her lack of love for his father.


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