changes of necessity

She hadn't wanted to come to this meeting. She had barely been able to make her legs walk the distance to the hotel. Still, the Dauphine stood, listening to Vigilante's solemn words. The new King had an art for saying just what needed to be said which she did not, especially not now. It had been difficult for her to speak about what needed to be done, but the responsibility she carried as the second in command had briefly overridden her grief. Vigilante would be the new king, and she would need to step up to be a better leader, to make sure to be more involved in everyone's lives.

Half-folded ears were flattened against her skull as she forced herself to listen to Vigil's words, forced herself to stay standing. Heath was there to catch her if she needed it, but she was making a concerted effort to stand on her own. She had to try and present some sort of strength to her pack mates. However, this front could only be held for so long. With Vigilante's final dismissal to the group, Ruri collapsed to her knees, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed, tears running again down her already stained cheeks. Why had Jac left?! He had promised her that he would never leave her. He had promised. He was her best friend, the closest thing she had to a father, a brother, so much more and he had just left without so much as telling her why. On top of the tremendous hurt she felt, Ruri felt horribly guilty that she had done something wrong. She had not visited Jac as often as she used to, and her active mind had already started to make her believe that Jac's sudden disappearance was somehow her fault. "I...I'm sorry...everybody," she sobbed, her body quivering with each pained cry. It was doubtful that she would be back to her old self anytime soon. Fortunately she had her loving mate and all of her friends as a support system, or her depression would likely be far worse.



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