» name; arakiel mkhai lykoi.
» bday; sept. 4th, '09.
» luperci; yes, ortus.
» species; coyote-jackal hybrid.
» gender; male
» contact; pm, please. ;]
» how you found 'souls? magic! <3

         He walked with an arrogance unmatched just as his father before him, holding his head high and his body proud. He was a prince—the prince of destruction, and a devil sent to destroy the world. He was special and unique, with a purpose to his existence that consisted of cleansing the world through fiery damnation. He was the angel of despair, born of the wicked and the pagan to inflict damage on all those that he met. And he was the Liar, deceiving if it suited his selfish desires and callous whims. His mother had told him everything, and his father had educated him when their paths dared cross. But it was his mother that had done the most, and loved him the most. Yet he parted from her, seeking his own destiny in the world.

         Skulled pikes and the scent of coyotes greeted his senses, and here he chose to allow capture his interest, remembering what his father had once told him. A part of his blood had originated from such a place, and he wished to explore this further, learning more as his mind was ever ravenous for information. He held the name of Lykoi, thus he needed to learn all that there was to know of the Lykoi, and whether or not such a title truly demanded his respect. His poise was neat as a statue carved from marble and his face just as angelic as he tipped back his head and allowed a call to rise on the evening air. His silvery coat was awash in crimson fire, and his shadow stretched long across the ground, but he moved not an inch once his voice faded into silence, searching with his eyes alone to see who’d answer his call.

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