         Samael would have never abandon Kaena without reason, though Mkhai did not know all of this. He was yet a child, and yet sheltered by delusion and fantasy, twisting him into a monster when he may not have necessarily been. Her face changed at this knowledge, and everything was confirmed within the boy’s mind. This was Kaena, his grandmother. She was the origin of all known Lykois and a creature to be respected. Samael had not bonded thoroughly with his children, but he’d have ensured they knew of her. He nodded his head in response, assuring her that her identity already lingered within his head. This place was the recreation of where his father had been born, and housed many others of his family. Samael’s ties had always been loose here, but he’d always held a distinct adoration for the Lykoi, as they were all a part of his dear, beloved Kaena. “With my mother,” he said, thinking back. Djeserit had had an unhealthy affection for Samael, believing his word that he was a devil just as Astaroth had done once to Kaena, and she’d followed right along.

         She’d raised his children in his image, believing them to be devils as well and ensuring such fantasies lived within their heads. She herself believed that she was more than a mortal, and felt blessed to have such accursed children. They would do her proud and destroy the world. Samael had been missing for much of his childhood, but she’d sought him out once again with her children. She’d found him, but he hadn’t been in the best of condition. He had been dying from the moment he was born, and his madness grew ever stronger with the passage of each day. Bleeding and delirious, with memories marred and altered, Djeserit had cared for him. Had Mkhai known the circumstances of his abandonment he may had spoken more, assuring her that he was being cared for and that he’d not left of his own free will, while granting her the knowledge of what had transpired as far as he knew. But as he didn’t, he said all that he felt needed to be said before closing his lips and falling into poised silence.

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