bone eater
hopefully the images will come back at the beginning of next month. ;[ (468)

         When he’d been a child Samael had been just as arrogant as Mkhai. He’d walked with his nose in the air as did his siblings, strutting about Inferni as though none could touch them. They’d been despised for this—their other siblings longing to take them down a notch, but not daring to touch them with their mother’s eyes watching. They’d been obviously the favorites—the only offspring of Kaena to have received their mother’s absolute attention until they’d matured into adulthood. Raised in seclusion, they’d known only her and Molochai for months on end until the time came to introduce them to the rest of the clan. Heads filled with dreams and tales, they’d believed themselves indomitable and had known full well their position above all the rest, as her dearest and most adored. And Samael had loved her absolutely in return, going beyond the natural love of all of his siblings.

         Mkhai had yet to see the world for what it truly was. In Egypt he was a prince, and here he believed himself to be a prince as well. He had no reason to question or doubt this. Yet Halo looked on him with revulsion, longing to tear him down in revenge for the deeds of the father he’d barely known. He only knew Samael’s touch on his mind through his mother’s hand, but not much else, and he felt the coyote was weaker than he was, so destroyed by the madness within his own head. Mkhai would not follow in his footsteps in this way, but he would burn the world to ash, killing all those that didn’t deserve the life granted to them. His eyes narrowed at her words, but he said nothing. There was no reason for him to rise to her bait, growing angry at what he’d taken as a personal insult.

         She was ignorant if she believed that the moon was dead, but he would not argue about it as it knew it would be worthless. Here he was only one soul, and he lacked the backing to descend upon the land and convert all to the moon’s faith, allowing them to see the light and remove the veil from their eyes. “Thank you, Halo, for allowing me the honor of knowing your name,” he said, dipping his head slightly. Obviously she hated him, and he couldn’t fathom why, so to make up for whatever she held against him he’d step lightly around her until he saw reason to do otherwise. The ploy would only last for so long until it grew tiresome, but until then only the politest aspects of his personality would show through. He had been raised properly after all.


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