bone eater
         His arrogance was a learned behavior—a learned emotion taught to him along with many other things. Had he been given a different upbringing he would have been different, despite his genes and any terrible predispositions that he may have possessed. Yet even now he was still learning and growing. Every conversation, every meeting, and every action taken taught him something through sheer cause and effect. The world was his teacher, and even if he wished to close his eyes to that fact he couldn’t block everything out. Remove the eyes and the other senses heightened. Until the end of time—or, at least the end of his existence anyway—he would grow and change and evolve into tens of thousands of different monsters.

         Even if he followed in his father’s footsteps to a tee he would never be exactly the same as him. His genes were different, his thoughts were different, and his experiences would be different. He was not Samael, no matter how closely they looked alike. Even if his father looked out through the crimson of his eyes, it was still within Mkhai’s head that they rested. “I’m here because I wanted to meet you,” he said, answering honestly. “All of you. Samael’s family was supposed to be around here somewhere, so I sought you out to find out for myself. I wanted to see what you were like.” If his family back home in Egypt didn’t wish to accept him, then he’d have to find somewhere else to belong. But if these people weren’t worth his time, then he wouldn’t bother.

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