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She didn't like things happening to her body without her control. This entire ordeal was very, very unpleasant for her, even without the throwing up and dizziness. Dierdre had problems already, with doubting herself, and this added onto them. How could she be one hundred percent sure that she would be a good parent? She couldn't be. She wondered if she would end up like her mother--crazy half the time, negligent the other half of the time.

At least she knew that Pilot would be a good parent. He was great around Dierdre's young siblings-she could imagine how he would be with pups that were his own. "They're getting so big, now. I remember when they were born...all of them were so eensy" It was easy to talk about the others, to keep the talk off of herself. But she was running out of luck, it seemed, as Phoenix realized it--then brought up the very thing that she had been trying not to think about.

She didn't know what to say at first. He could tell that she was...he didn't even need her to answer. She felt defensive, all of a sudden...but fought the emotion down. Why was she feeling so strangely? Phoenix would be happy, wouldn't he? She would never have to tell anyone the truth. Even if the pups were born looking a little like Samael...if they were really Samael's...well, Dierdre had some red wolf in her. She could say that it was a mutation of the gene.

The white wolf swallowed, then looked back up at him. "I think...they'll be here in the middle of April. Spring babies." That would confirm it for him.


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