hey princess, you're ready for greatness.
She hadn't realized that returning wouldn't be as simple as she had thought, after all DaVinci, who was hated by the clan had been accepted, she narrowed her eyes in annoyance and surprise as Halo seemed to snap so suddenly. Zana wasn't sure what sort of an answer she was looking for but it seemed that an answer wasn't required as Halo voiced her own opinion of the journey that Zana had taken. The tiny girl's ears pinned back as her temper began to rise. She hadn't ever had to explain the choices she'd made and she wasn't certain she wanted to begin by explaining things to Halo. Her claws tightened around the small hollow reed in her hands as she glared at the other woman, her heart beating faster as she tried to hold her tongue.

She didn't succeed, she never did and she shouldn't have known that today just wasn't going to be the day for that to change. With the last words that graced Halo's lips a soft growl rose from Zana's throat as she snapped. "I'm a Lykoi by name, but a Sadira by blood as well." She turned her grey lilac eyes away towards the direction she'd left DaVinci and Ryan sleeping as she felt the rain dripping between her wolf cloak and her own fur. She was silent a moment before her darkened eyes turned back to Halo as she huffed. "The clan is my family and home, but family is out there too.." Her voice hot as she snapped. "I owe my life to one and he asked for my help.. what would you have done?" she asked.

Zana doubted that Halo cared for her complications in life and she wasn't sure she had even wanted to tell the woman. Once she'd thought of her as a friend but it seemed that things had changed in her absence. She knew no where else as home and she wasn't about to turn away just yet, instead she just stood in the rain waiting to see who would budge first.

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