when your dreams have become good
Thankies! I decided to attack photoshop and this is what happened lol

“AniVaya,” Marishka repeated, the unfamiliar words sounding strange due to her thick accent. “It ees a family with wolves like you?” She asked, curious to know how the packs around here worked. Marishka herself had never been part of a pack before, they were as foreign to her as boats were to Liliana and Mar was more interested then she cared to admit.

When Liliana asked about ships Marishka smiled brilliantly, a sparkle to her violet eyes. Now this was a topic she could speak of and she found it quite easy to continue their conversation with such questions being asked. Perhaps she didn't need to flirt after all to talk, but was she getting anything she wanted out of this? She didn't seem to care at the moment, happy she was doing something normal as opposed to the destructive nature she normally inhibited.

“Ships glide along ze water, they use large cloth to catch wind which make ze boat move.” Marishka replied, trying her best to speak English, she had grown rusty over the past months, more used to her native tongue. “I zhink it vas a month it took to cross ze ocean, одна тысяча шестьсот лиг,” she continued, trailing off in Russian before realizing and translating: “it mean, sixteen hundred leagues, a long vay.” She smiled fondly, thinking back on her time aboard the ship; Captain Nazariy who was a kind man and lover, showing her the ways of the sea and that not all men could be cruel. The other men who worked alongside her, the young first mate Chikr who tried his best to woo her but in the end got knocked to the floor when he tried to use the Captain's nickname for her--"little fox"--luckily he was a friend or he would have lost his tongue.

“Mother Russia is far away,” Marishka mused aloud, though silently she finished “and I am glad it is.”

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