Every step we take gives us strength to go on
More people should definitely join :]

There was still snow on the ground, and some days even more of it fell from the sky. She didn't know how the sky could hold so much of it up in there...and why it ran out when spring came. The idea of a water cycle, of precipitation and condensation and evaporation, was too advanced for her to really grasp yet. She was trying to understand the weather more and more, slowly gaining knowledge from the books that she read.

Dierdre had started working on the blanket for the little ones--it was about the size of a towel right now. With some time, it would get bigger and bigger.

Her bow hung over one shoulder, swaying back and forth as she walked. It wasn't often that she went by Phoenix's old den, but she'd already been to the family den and hadn't found him there. She had a pretty good nose...she'd managed to follow him over to here. She had been wanting to run an idea past him, something she'd been thinking about ever since their talk in the city.

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