my blood is pavement.

     Life had returned to a pattern, but for Gabriel, the structure that war and battle brought had left. He felt useless, doing nothing of any particular importance, existing only because he still drew breath. Certainly, he had aspirations—to chase down and kill Haku, mainly. A heavy chain, one which bound him to Inferni, refuted this demand and laughed at him. There was nothing he could do. Inferni would not survive without him. This he believed as certainly as he believed himself to have chosen the side of coyote blood, and it infuriated him.
     Gabriel woke from a fretful nightmare, one that faded as suddenly as it had come. He did not recall the dream, only that there had been something terrible that came at him, something that drove him to wake with a start. Unwilling to face whatever terrible thing this was, the coy-wolf rose from his den and staggered out into the twilight. This too, was a pattern. Very rarely did Gabriel roam during the days, which were either too wet or too humid, and he reasoned that it would be easier for his mother to see during daylight hours. Though he would never say it to her face, he believed that her blind eye was a larger disadvantage then she would ever admit.
     Driven by thirst, he traveled north east, still unwilling to drink from the water that now formed Inferni’s southern border. He came to the river and lowered his face to it, lapping greedily up the cool liquid. Above him, a hawk wheeled and cried out, though the Aquila ignored the disturbance and continued at his task.


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