1+1 = Fun!


She heard Artemis shout the completion of her counting, and settled for the wait that she knew would come next. Even if Artemis did end up finding her, Parker guessed it would take a minute or two. The last time she had played hide and seek with someone, it had taken them forever to find her to the point where she had to come find them when they called for her. She doubted Missa would take that long, but still it was nice to be resting and relaxing in one's hiding spot. So, with her golden orbs closed, and cinnamon ears perked alertly, Parker nestled inside the pile of rags, simply awaiting her sister's inevitable squeals of excitement when she was discovered.

It was easy to hear the Marino pup entering the room, for she was not nearly as quiet as Parker was in her actions. For the next few seconds, Parker just listened, guessing that her sister was checking the more obvious places for her first. Missa called out to her, informing her that she was destined to be found, and the silent pup simply smiled, amused by her sister's determination. Missa was so sure of herself in everything she did. Golden orbs flickered open, though there was nothing to see inside the rag pile, but she guessed she would be needing them soon enough, as it sounded like Artemis was getting close. That was good, Parker had not gotten a turn to count to ten yet, though she could not think of a way to do it without speaking yet. Oh how she wished she had Missa's confidence. Parker was still so unsure about her speaking abilities that she was too afraid to try. Artemis had started trying to talk the day she realized she had a voice. The words had not been perfect, but at least she was able to voice her desires, opinions, and other various personal things, verbally. The cinnamon and sugar girl had no doubt she would be able to speak as fluently as her parents one day, but that day wasn't today.

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