Message In A Bottle

Yuki followed closely behind Ever as she led them to her homelands. The wolfdog's lungs squeezed, then expanded as she tried to grasp more air. Her tongue hung out of the side of her mouth lazily, the wind currents pushing back against her. Her heart pounded against her chest, she was almost completely convinced that every one around her could hear it as well. It was a steady pumping sound as it sent blood to the rest of her body.

After catching up to Ever again, she slowed down to a slow tred. She squinted hard to take in her beautiful surroundings, but her left eye refused too let her see any thing more then the blurry outline of trees. This was one of the moments when she hated not being fully capable of seeing every thing out of both of her eyes. Her blue eye's vision changed almost every day, from being able to see every thing crystal clear, too being as close to blind as you can get. She could easily close her left eye, but it was never the same. She squinted harder, her eyes halfway closed, some times if she tried to focus on some thing for long enough, her eye would be drawn to attention, but right now, that was definitely not the case.

As the beautiful howl left Ever's lips, Yuki's ears perked up. She listened and waited as it traveled over the vast lands, bouncing off every tree and any thing else that stood in its way. Just as her heart had began to get back to a regular pace, it sped up again. She was quite sure that they shouldn't be here, it would almost be considered trespassing. But as she looked over at Ever, she realized that this was her home as well. She could not tell how far they had went into the territory, but she hoped they weren't too far in to not be able to make a hastily getaway, if it was required of course.. When she could only faintly hear the howl that had been sent out, one word slipped past her lips "Wow..."


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