Family is built form blood and water

This is back dated to July 11.

Ayita sat down on the bed and looked at Ever. "Ever you have to tell me if you are not feeling well. I have never done this before all I have is asorted notes to do this." she said as she stroked the young girls head. She was hoping all would be well she had never ever done this nore should she really with out the help of the healer but this was what the young girl wanted.

Ayita grabbed the tools as she cut into her arm sticking the cleaned tube into her arm. As she slowly flexed her muscils to gget the blood to pump. It made her a little unnerved to see her blood slowly fill a glass jar. She looked at ever as she stopped and looked at the amount thinking it would be enough.

"Ever You know from the conversation with Vigilante and I that the transphormation will not happen today. It will maybe even catch you off gaurd so you need to be around he or I even Amaranth and my brother would be good." she said she didn't want the girl to be caught off gaurd like her daughter. "Blood doesn't make family water and love do. But with me giving you my blood you have to know that this makes us closer then we ever were before. are you ready?"


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