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Nox had risen long before her siblings had, leaving them both to sleep where they had settled the previous night. It wasn't like the timid girl to leave them and go off on her own, but it was the extreme rumbling of her stomach that forced her away from them. Besides, she'd be careful not to stray to far from where they were. Nox also wasn't the type to try and go hunting on her own, be it for large prey or simply just field mice. No, she had excelled in the skill of foraging, something that was often a problem during the times of cold weather.

It would have been simple to just wake Zadi and tell him that she was hungry, she was certain he would happily get her something to eat, but the young girl also didn't want to be such a bother to him. He already did everything for her as it was. So off she went, thin arms hanging idly at her sides and gold green eyes opened wide with paranoia. Even while she could still just turn her head and see them, she was frightened. Now though, now that she'd gone out of their range of sight, she was scared to death. The girl hunched over, creeping along through the barren trees and across the open grounds. It was only when she got a good ways into the foreign lands that she decided that the whole thing was a bad idea for certain.


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