The World As We Know It
The relative silence was comfortable, only disturbed by the sounds of their searching. The faint shuffling of the old boards and books being set into stacks was altogether a pleasant sound, in a way a signal of their progress. They had started out on this search in order to gather a few books, and finally they had found some. Even completing such a simple task, Kieran felt the sense of accomplishment warm him from the inside.

Opening the thick history book, he turned to the table of contents, glancing quickly at the words facing him. He paused in his examination of the book as Tayui spoke to him, moving closer to get a look at the volume he held. “Yeah, sure. No problem.” He nodded at her question, shifting his position slightly in order to allow her to see the book a little better. He held the book up between them, once again peering at the listed contents. It seemed to follow a chronological order, the first chapter of the text simply titled, “The Beginning.” As he glanced at the names of the other chapters, he frowned slightly. Words like ‘war’ and ‘revolution’ seemed to be mentioned quite a few times on just the one page. While the latter didn’t necessarily hold negative connotations, Kieran still felt that it was proof enough that humans were a rather violent species.

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