The World As We Know It
His eyes drifted across the page examining the tiny text that took up most of the space. Every so often a word stuck out to him, either boldfaced or of some rather impressive length. Much of the content escaped him, consisting of words and phrases he had never heard of or had forgotten altogether. He couldn’t help but sigh a little in frustration. Oh, how he wished he had kept his reading abilities sharp. With such fascinating volumes in front of him, it was maddening to be unable to enjoy them fully. But now he was more determined than ever to pick up this hobby once more.

Kieran turned to face the alpha as she spoke. “No, I’m afraid my reading skills are a bit rusty. But even if they weren’t, most of these words look fairly difficult...” He stared down at the page, wondering how the humans had come up with such complicated words. Directing his attention back to Tayui, he began again. “We should take this back with us, and give it another shot. I’m sure this is filled with interesting facts just waiting for us to find them.” It was an exciting prospect.

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