duty without pain

Nayru smiled serenely as Reverent invited herself hunting with them, and only then did Nayru remember the carcass of a rabbit still in her clutch hands. Dully she wondered what she was to do with it if they were to start on another hunt but she took no action. An ear flickered as Larkspur gave his name, and although no one has spoken Nayru's out loud she did not offer it, as she hadn't been the one asked for a title. When the male's strange accent was directed back towards her, ruby eyes lifted up, the fairy girl soaking in his words like a sponge. It was clear Larkspur had a very different opinion on that matter than most of Dahlia did now, but whose opinion was correct was impossible to discern. To Nayru both seemed plausible and she did not doubt either of them. It was strange to think she could throw herself in so fully to one theory or the other on Inferni but she was capable of finding both valid.

They did not take the time to debate over the subject but instead move on to hunting. Rising up Nayru dropped the rabbit at Larkspur's feet, either for him to remove or to leave for her to deal with later. Her smile was sweet and pure then, compliant, as if Larkspur has asked if she wished to pick a bouquet of flowers rather than slay prey animals. “Let me shift, I should learn to kill in both forms.” And moving a few feet from them Nayru undertook the process in which she was already becoming well seasoned. When, ten minutes later, she was on four legs as the other two were, she returned to their small gathering, her body silently protesting all the energy spent in so short a time span but her heart too set on a new goal for her to pay it any mind.


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