These So Called Devils


OOC:...Faaaiiiiilllllll....I'll forgive you if you forgive me XD

It was odd for the midnight covered male to feel the nervousness that had grabbed hold of his heart. Since he was able to shift he had been strutting around like he was the top dog thanks to genetic luck granting him the heart and body of an Alpha. His fathers bloodline was full of abnormally large warriors, possibly from generations of fighting off sick and demented dogs that preyed on the weaker members of their own species. Angel, his flawlessly snow white mother, had been average in size but had the softest voice and the biggest ears she had used for listening to little Jazper's excited chattering after Ares and himself got back from one of their many day trips. Now, standing by himself with a skull displayed oh so nicely in front of him, his heart raced with a fear he hadn't had to feel since the coyote's attacked the den. That horrible night had been the last time he saw his parents and now he was to come face to face with the only coyote pack in the area. Logically the warrior knew no one from here had taken his parents lives but the feeling wouldn't leave him no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on something else.

Looking around he raised himself as tall as he could, hoping he would feel more confident, it didn't help him. Finally in the distance a figure caught his attention and his fur began to stand on edge. However, his coat was thicker than a coyote by a long shot. Amber eyes focused in on the male as he came closer and asked the question every wolf or coyote would ask in such a situation. Giving him the once over Jazper quickly concluded that this was certainly no tiny coyote before him but a dog mix of some kind or another, leaving the Knight feeling slightly calmer. “Help, no.” If anyone needed help it was the sicko that put wolf skulls as a territory marker. How would they respond if they lined their own lands with coyote skulls?

Remembering his manners the large brute lowered his muzzle to gentle touch touch the ground in a make shift bow. “I'm Jazper Rhiannon-Knight. The wolf in charge of the protection of Crimson Dreams.” golden orbs returning to their face-to-face view he added with a forced smile, “I am acquainted with the leaders of all packs with the exception of yours and Dahlia de Mai.” Getting to his point quickly he continued right along, “I just wish to inquire some news about Inferni from the leader.” Still oblivious that the male before him was the leader he was seeking Jazper awaited to be escorted to the sick mind that stuck skulls on a stick for fun.


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