Character Name: Gaël morte dre Soul
Character Birthdate (including year): May 7, 2008
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci Ortus
Species: 50% Wolf, 50% Coyote
Gender: Male
A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): aim - xblindalcatraz
Currently played characters: n/a
How you found 'Souls: affiliate on a site. <3
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Quote:It was a spurt of the moment deal. Something that just happened all of a sudden after the two talked for a bit. Viktor wasn’t the best at speaking English, leaving him either confused or leaving both of them confused to what they could possibly talk about. So, Daniel just blurted out the idea about helping him with English. He didn’t have an idea how, especially since he couldn’t speak his classmate’s mother language of Russian.

Instead, he asked around for ideas in the library, grabbing Russian to English translation books if he could before being forced to go to the book store and buy something upon the manger’s recommendation. How they knew about a good Russian to English translation book was beyond him. He could probably just sit there staring at the poor guy and helping with pronunciation and talking just to get the English language down into his head.

Shifting, he stared at the clock, strolling out of class as soon as his teacher dismissed them. Today, they planned to meet up at the café called La Chat Nior just to keep away from the library in case they bugged anyone. Daniel didn’t exactly mind where they went, but the café seemed like a good choice. Plus, he could drink down a mug of his favorite coffee with a few sweets while they studied away. He even thought it would be cool to learn some Russian from Viktor. It could come out interesting… they were helping each other, a deal for a deal.

He arrived first at the dorm room, glancing in; he didn’t see Blake before he stripped his shirt off and grabbed a black t-shirt, just something random he could wear without attracting attention in his uniform or getting screamed at by some strict teacher that didn’t like it when students wore their uniforms out of the school. Whatever, he didn’t understand their problems, but he didn’t wish to stir up trouble today.

Trouble was just something he was fed up with.

As soon as he was changed, he grabbed the books and strolled off, a stupid grin along his lips. He waved at a staff before heading out of the school and into the outside world of fresh air… and stormy clouds. Today didn’t look so bright. Shifting, he just hoped that it didn’t rain here as bad as it did in Wales. It got kind of ridiculous how hard it rained in Wales. Like Mother Nature really wanted them to disappear and drown off the side of England. Yet, they were together now, the United Kingdom… that is.

Taking in a breath, he started off into the direction of the café, relaxed in his steps, but also stretching his legs forward in a quick pace, kind of excited to get in the café for the first time. He had heard it was a nice place with pretty good coffee, so it was something he was highly looking forward too. Shaking his head, he tried to get that stupid grin off his face. Daniel knew he’d just look like some freak with it on. People would notice him… and he didn’t exactly want that right now.

He spotted the café, it was easier than he thought, but maybe that was just his excitement. His pace quickened and before he knew it, he was in the small place and off towards the counter. There wasn’t much of a line so he ordered his coffee quickly; getting it soon after… still steaming off as if it was freshly made. The scents made him want to melt right then. He started off towards a table, big enough for him and Viktor to spread out the books he got.

Sitting down, he set the books on the table and gave a quick glance over towards the door before relaxing down in his seat. He just hoped Viktor wasn’t the kind to be late.

Quote:It was a day after the time he broke up with his girlfriend. Really, it wasn’t a big deal to him. She wasn’t even his type and pretty much only went out with her because she asked. Nothing more really happened and then she dumped him. Wynn had asked on the phone about it, being a nosey older brother, and he told him what happened. After that he told him he was coming to Wales. Daniel seriously didn’t know what the hell was going through his mind.

His brother was like some strange creature from completely different planet then him who seemed to assume just about everything. The younger Welsh boy wasn’t bent over crying. No, he was actually relieved they had been marked as ‘done’. It wasn’t really fun anymore pretending he gave a damn. Yeah, he was an ass or a ‘jackass’ as his ex American girlfriend spat at him with.

That’s right. He had to mark out how she was American. She always rubbed that in everyone’s face like Americans were better than the Welsh. Really, Daniel didn’t understand what was up with them and their egos. Well, he had a bit of an ego, but that was for some other time. Right now, he was just trying to pick something else to think about.

His brother had told him a freshman – his friend, apparently – was coming along too. Cavan would be happy as hell to see Wynn again, but Daniel didn’t really tell him about Wynn coming back. He knew how the Irish boy was when it came to his brother; simply because it was his fault in the first place his best friend had turned over towards guys. No, he didn’t love Wynn, but saw him kissing a guy instead and thought it was hot… Cavan that is.

Daniel wanted to puke at first, and then it just became a normal thing. His parents really didn’t give a shit either.

But this freshman, his age… he wondered what the other boy was like. He knew his brother got along with everyone besides those he didn’t, which wasn’t many. So, it was hard for him to even guess. The poor kid could be just dragged along by Wynn for all he knew. Daniel wasn’t sure if he should be looking forward to it all or not. They were coming to cheer him up only after he told him many times he wasn’t depressed about it… and then finally decided Wynn wanted an excuse to come home or party.

Leaning back, he was plopped on a grey sofa, a TV in front of it with another chair to the side. The kitchen was behind him before leading off into a hallway with a bathroom and his room. His parents had the upper floor to themselves while Wynn’s stuff was layered in the now office room that had been his bedroom. The house really wasn’t that grand or fancy, just big enough for them to be comfortable.

A hand ran through his brown hair, frustrated with thoughts about what will happen when his brother comes knocking on the door with a complete stranger, to him at least. He glanced down, staring as his phone rang with Cavan’s name written as the ID. It was a text with the Irish boy asking if he could come by. Daniel simply replied with a ‘later someone’s coming by’ and turned it off, knowing he’d ask about who and what was going on. His friend seriously didn’t leave something interesting like that alone.

Standing up, he walked towards the door after hearing it rattle with Wynn coming in. So he didn’t forget the key this time. “I’m home!” His brother’s voice echoed through the place, causing Daniel to give him an annoyed look. Their parents were out so they were the only ones home really. His eyes glanced over towards a taller guy with a ‘who the hell is that’ look. He’s… tall. Holy shit, tall… Even Wynn wasn’t as tall as he was.

“Daniel~” His brother’s voice snapped him out of the staring at the poor stranger who he’d later know as Blake… along with Wynn practically cling around Daniel’s neck. He gave Wynn a few pats on the back before stepping out of his brother’s grasp. “Welcome home…”

Quote:He bit on his lip, wondering if he actually went ahead and did something completely wrong. Sure, there were a few times where he overreacted, but the fact that he didn’t really know him was kind of… strange. Usually it felt like he was a friend already, this guy, however, seemed more like a mystery. Wynn was curious, wanting to know more about his roommate, but knew he’d have to be patient and find out along the way. The quirks, what he liked and what he didn’t. He’d find out soon enough.

His eyebrow rose, noting how quiet Oliver seemed. Well, it wasn’t something he was exactly used to, but he did know a few quiet people. It took awhile to get them to talk, as if he needed to gain their trust to let themselves relax or something. Or maybe he was different? Wynn didn’t know. Perhaps he was just talking too much and not giving the guy a chance to speak or Oliver thought he wasn’t a nice guy? He didn’t know what rumors were running around at the moment.

He was having a mini panic attack inside his head when he replied. His tilted his head to the side and he stared at him for a moment before glancing up towards the ceiling. It was a habit of his to look upwards when it came to thinking. The English class deal seemed believable, but the fact that he knew and Wynn didn’t kind of made him feel guilty anyhow. “‘m sorry, man… I usu’lly dun’t forget a face, ya know? Ugh, ‘m reall’y sorry.”

“But, ‘m glad that I get to meet cha… lookin’ forward to this year fer sure,” he mumbled on, fading off as he felt like he was talking too much again. Wynn just hoped he wouldn’t get on the bad side of his roommate, is all. Hell, he wanted to make friends more than anything. So, it would be a huge score for him if he could accomplish that. Usually his relationships with roommates were a bit… iffy. One of his goals for this year was to keep it from going awkward, like them being friends and hanging around… and stuff.

When he answered his other question, he gave another nod, giving a smile before glancing to each side a few times. The choice wasn’t much different. Though, he saw himself leaning towards being close to the door. If he had to go out of the room late or if he got into some shit and came home late, then he wouldn’t have to exactly bother Oliver as much as it would be if the positions were different.

“Then,” he held out the ‘n’ a bit longer than he should have, but leaned down and grabbed his pillow, throwing it onto the bed closest towards the door. Grabbing his suitcase, he shifted it over towards the side as well. “This a-ok?” He looked over towards his red-headed roommate with a grin.

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