only a fool would wish for the world.


A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.

With her single-minded determination, time seemed to move too slowly. Kaena’s anxiety fed Tayui’s growing unease, making her even more jittery and unnerved. She was never like this – or, she had never been like this until Haku murdered Noir. While she would not back down or allow herself to be intimidated, she felt a similar emotion that made her stomach heave and her fur stand on end. Whatever it was, it felt like intimidation: but she had since made a pact with herself that she would not be intimidated and she would not back down until she saw her revenge.

She just hoped she would be able to go through with it.

She frowned, wondering how she had allowed that thought to slip through. Now that she was in Inferni, she was suddenly noticing that glimmer of doubt: what if? She knew she would have to banish these questions and focus on the task ahead. She needed to focus and she needed Kaena. She needed to hear the other woman’s words; so she did.

She nodded curtly in reply to the silver-hued woman’s condolences; she had nothing to add. The additional comment both soothed and enraged Tayui and she barely had time to think of a response before she barked out her reply.

“He had better die,” she snapped. Then she frowned as the meaning of Kaena’s words dawned on her. She struggled to find a way to amend her words, but failed and fell silent. She had nothing else she could think to say. She looked up at the other woman, trying to convey her inner struggle – she never had this problem with words before. She had found it so easy to convey her emotions and express herself before the incident. Before death, before hate, anno letum hallelujah amen.


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