merely degenerates [p]

SIEEEEEEE. Halifax . I like the fact that Harlowe looks like a Siamese kitty. >) no idea how this got so long >_<

The shattered skyline of the city had been making Ezra itch for adventure for days. It had seemed like forever since the hybrid had gone on a trip with the intention of getting lost. His poor soul had been resting this summer in the Court, lavishing in the new and invigorating feeling of release. This release was just utter euphoria. No one was chasing him, no one was bothering him. He just asked for rest and got rest. Though his duties as a pack member would surely pick up soon, the time in between now and then was a sheer treat. That skyline was intriguing, however. Much of where Ezra had come from was completely decimated and even then his old life was deep in an old-growth forest that was untouched by man for centuries. This was completely new.

So, despite the fact that his patch of ground was exceptionally inviting on this crisp morning, Ezra got up. His new home was beside a willow tree on the northern side of the Court, near a clump of old hemlocks that shaded his ever so comfortable bed. With every passing day, the mutt had found more bedding and creature comforts to stock up on. Though he was still unfamiliar with tools and anything remotely human, Ezra still managed to find scraps of metal and wood that he could find a use for later. It was something to be proud of, his little home – it was his, he had made it, and was comfortable somewhere.

The flies were bothering him again. His ebony tail whipped as far as it would go, yet still unable to hit the sweet spot the flies were getting at. The boy growled in irritation, stretched quickly, and broke off into a spur-of-the-moment sprint. He was headed towards the city, and whatever was waiting there for him. The morning had surprised Ezra. It had started off chilly, a sign of colder days to come, but the clouds had gone now and the sun shone through. The mutt started to pant as he galloped over his mossy Court. The end of the pack territory gave him a moment of unease, but the feeling was quickly drowned by the overwhelming desire to explore.

Ezra passed the coast where Ever and he had met just a few short days ago. His (now) dirty white paws slowed down to a brisk jog. The woman had been so entrancing and the mutt was completely enamored. The gray lady was someone he never wanted to forget, and definitely see again. He had to know about her, had to have her in his life. It was inevitable. She was almost unreal, an angel. And he had to have her.

Today was not the day for lingering on the past, however. The day shone a beautiful bright light that seemed to infiltrate Ezra’s soul with an upbeat, whispering, glean. He smiled. It was just too damn perfect. The happy idiot picked up his old pace, barreling towards the cracked streets that seemed to call his name. He now ran on an abandoned highway, and the unusual feeling beneath his feet unnerved him. A quick snort escaped his inky nose before he slowed down once again. Before him stood a tremendous building, with two long strips of pavement going in opposite directions. The area confused him. The city was still within his grasp, but this seemed to be a more reasonable area to explore. The amount of metal shining in the afternoons’ sun seemed to give the place an aura of… something, something he couldn’t put his finger on. A particularly shiny object stood about a couple hundred feet away from Ezra. White paint was peeling off in strips, and whatever metal was exposed was mangled and rusted through to the core. A trot brought him over to the peculiar thing, which he attempted to jump into. The rusted wing broken by the entrance had blocked his way. Ezra looked the plane over one time again, perplexed. Peculiar.

table © Alaine<3


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