this is the story of my life

Hybrid stumbled forward as he lashed out, trying to attack the other creature. Unfortunately, the wolf pulled himself in to the tree as Hybrid launched himself at him, and Hybrid reeled as he tried to catch his balance. His claws dug in to the tree as he tried to regain his balance and not fall over: being upright was certainly difficult. While his Secui form afforded him the luxury of going four- or two-legged, he certainly preferred the latter. In contrast, this wolf, though a little out of his right mind, seemed to be faring much better on two legs. Despite this setback, Gabriel was still able to claim some of the wolf’s tail: there were little bits of yellow fur tainted with the colour of blood now scattered around the scene of the battle.

The wolf spoke, but like the other times, he was not really saying much. While it had been the wolf’s words that enraged Hybrid initially, he could now see that this wolf was rambling on about something, but not saying a whole lot.

Once he regained his balance, Hybrid snapped at the wolf and tried to swat at the yellow bits of fur he could see hiding in the tree. His depth perception was still a little off from when the wolf had hit him in the head, but the tree couldn’t have been all that tall. After all, the wolf had managed to get up there; how tall could it be?

But soon enough, the wolf had relocated to a higher branch and was saying something – again, but this time about Inferni. Hybrid replied with a snarl, refusing to dignify the fool’s question with an answer.


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