On her face is a map of the world
Here we are Big Grin

She had moved things around in her den so many times that she thought she would go crazy if she set at doing it one more time. There were only so many times she could arrange things or change them around before she'd go nuts. Extreme boredom was what was bothering the female, and she stalked around her spacious, stone-lined den, trying to think of something to do. She had gone out for a walk twice already, visited Bayard and talked to her whale companion Utriu. What else was there to do?

She stared around the den, green eyes frustrated. Something just didn't feel right about this place, for some reason. It felt safe enough, but not...right. Maybe that was why she'd felt like she should move things around before. She had felt like this was the right place for her to give birth to her pups...but perhaps she was wrong. Perhaps she ought to dig herself something new...or find a new cave or house to live in.

The idea sounded good to her, and the round-bellied Luperci set off from the old den in a rush. A change, that was what she needed! She neared the village and began to look around, sniffing about as well. Were there any houses available? Ember could smell a few scents surrounding an old blue house...but nothing that smelled at all recent. She opened the front door, peeking inside. Would this be the place she would choose for herself and her pups?


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