Feed This End

Friendly questions came and Nayru recognized them for what they were, just chatter. All the same she nodded in response, her melodic voice steady and low. “Yes, I suppose I will be joining you in the adult ranks soon enough.” Was that what he had meant? Adulthood and womanhood were the same in her mind, not because she was too young to realize the difference but rather that she did not feel personally any differences between males and females. Gender or sex had never come into play for her, it had not influenced her relationships nor did it influence her emotions. Perhaps it was a developmental defect, but sexual stirrings or a preference for one form of anatomy over another had not hit the pixie. She had no preferences or desires. Nor did she think of herself as a female, that was not a status she carried with her. To be a Dahlian member was a status. Her rank was a status. But to identify as female and embrace it eluded her.

Then he pulled the bundle from his hands and Nayru regarded it carefully. When he had approached she had not imagined that it was anything to do with her, yet as he did not hand it over or unveil it her eyes showed no more curiosity than before. Instead her crimson eyes moved to his, but could not catch them as he directed them to the ground. As with the gift, the apology was unexpected but surprise did not reach her. Instead, at his near embarrassment, Nayru almost felt older than him, as if she held some knowledge he did not. There was nothing to apologize for, and the girl said so. “There’s no reason for you to feel bad.” And unable to expand on the words or offer comfort verbally she gently reached out and laid a hand upon his shoulder, a moment of silence as she observed him and then replaced her hand in her own lap.

Why did he allow guilt to plague him? Even then she had told him that she knew he meant no harm. Had her abrupt departure hurt the brute’s feelings? That perhaps he had already bonded to her and her actions could influence him so greatly confused her, but only for a moment, before she accepted it as part of her life now. Nayru knew that she had been hasty with her reaction then, but she had been younger. Although impulsive actions still took hold now and then the girl was gaining better control, becoming contemplative in all matters and her deliberate words and movements reflected this. In the future she would have to take more care not to offend Saluce, for she did not wish to cause anyone, least of all someone so kind to her, grief.

“Will you show me what you brought?” Although she lacked childish greed or desire, her voice lifted a little, appreciation for any gift bestowed on her ringing in her quiet tones, even if she knew not what the gift was.

table by kahilli

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