Feed This End
Don’t worry. Got (some of) my homework done also. 404

The male spoke at length but they were words Nayru did not need to hear. She knew Saluce’s will already, he wanted to be inside her head, but that was impossible. Yet never did a flicker of disrespect cross her face, she listened, took it all in and bowed her head at the end of his speech, a sad smile upon her lips. Did he know the fairy child’s personality so little that he felt he needed to say so much? “You do know me. This is all that I am. Right here before you. I am of Dahlia, and that is all. ” Did he resent her for keeping her past life from him? Couldn’t he realize that they, whoever they had been, were now irrelevant? Any ties that had been strung between her and her biological family had long been severed. Dahlia de Mai was mother, father and sibling to her.

“You will not have to clean up after my messes because I won’t make any.” Nayru did not feel embarrassed that he spoke to her so, but her sweet voice was firm and steady. Nayru had never gloated or bragged in her life, nor had she ever dreamed of disrespecting anyone. Perhaps his words were simply precautionary, but the idea of her breeching any of his rules went against her very core. Could she kill? Probably she could and would, but would it ever be outside of defense of her own being or Dahlia de Mai? Nayru couldn’t see that far, but she knew that even without his warnings the other transgressions would never become reality. It was simply not who she was. Harm would never come to Dahlia de Mai or any of its members at her hands.

“Truly Saluce, I only wish to serve Dahlia as best as I may. I don’t think there is anything I wish to tell you other than that. I wish you to train me so I can serve Dahlia de Mai better. If this reason displeases you, I could make up another, but I would be lying to you then. Something I don’t wish to do.” It was the same promise she had given Conor, and wasn’t it enough that she had already devoted and dedicated her heart, soul and body to Dahlia de Mai? What more did they want to know about the fey that they couldn’t see with their own eyes?

table by kahilli

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