Don't Worry 'Bout Me

OOC: One more post from you and then close it up?


It worried the father to see his family torn this way. Between the three of their tempers the Marino-Knight family was just an eruption waiting to happen. It had been easy back when his father and mother were around. Even though he was a stubborn bratty pup his father and mother had all the patience in the world for him. They would simply sit him down and talk it out. Never would they resort to physical violence or momentarily scary the shit out of their kid to teach him a lesson. Still, it seemed like Aro was learning the way he had. Perhaps he would have to make sure he kept his own temper in check when frustrated with the pups. He waited for his black and white son to speak once more. The light joke made the father smile slightly. Hell was all he needed form the boy right now. Besides, both of them knew Jazper was simply bigger and had trained longer. He could kick Aro's ass any day and time.

Maybe one day his son would beat him in brute strength but Jazper doubted it. “uh huh.” He agreed with a sarcastic tone as he nodded. The next words out of the Marino's mouth changed the tone back to serious once again. It was true, he would have to figure things out for himself. “You have a big choice to make my boy. You have been blessed with my brute strength and your mothers stubborn streak. You can either use it to help yourself or help others. It's all up to you. Just know that your mother and I love you.” Clearing his throat and standing back up he added, “ Even if we do yell sometimes. You are always our son and I will support whenever the need arise.” Stretching his body out he gave a yawn and looked towards the door. “I'll leave you to your thoughts.” The massive ebony male kissed his sons forehead gently before turning around and walking into the house. Hopefully his son would make it through the start of his adult hood with a little more grace then he had.


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