[j] chapter three

And there we go! Smile One more reply and you're in.

The Chief listened intently as she responded, curious when she started to look through her bags for something. He dried meat himself, to keep for the winter (who knew how often they could bring anything back from a hunt when their prey was so scarce), and having another one to help him would be a relief. He had considered teaching some of the others in the Tribe, but he wondered who would be interested in such a tedious task, and ended up doing it by himself instead. Just one more set of hands would probably help immensely, for winter was approaching and they had many mouths that would need to be fed. "Very well — your skills are diverse, and I'm certain you'll fit in somewhere. We have a spot open in the stables, tending and training the other horses, if you are interested in making that your primary tasks in the tribe," he offered. If she wanted to tend the animals, they would be three, and the training of the horses might become a bit less unstable, hopefully producing some that could serve well in hunts. Or war, if that need arose. "I'll be heading back— I can lead you to the Village, if you want."


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