The Blind Can See

OOC: I have no problem with singing, as long as the singer has a good voice XD I'm sure Ralla's voice is soothing so I will think of that when she sings Big Grin By the way I won't get into Kemo's hunting ability just yet, that's for another time

He nodded as she politely turned down his offer of help, not knowing what she meant by carrier but not wanting to ask for fear of annoying her with all his questions. Sometimes though, he just couldn't help himself.

"Your den, excuse me, hut, is up in a tree? That's amazing! How tall is this tree? Must be quite tall to allow several wolves to build huts in it. Are all the others luperci too? Or are you the only one?' A whole pack of luperci's? He felt as though this was a dream. "I must be dreaming. Meeting a wolfess who is as kind as you, finding out luperci's were actually real, being invited back to your packlands so openly, then going to meet a whole pack of luperci's? Such events could only take place in a dream...unless my wildest dreams have come true." He pondered on that for a moment, walking in silence as he followed her.

As he walked along, listening to the sounds of the forest around him, he suddenly heard a sound he had only heard when he was but a young pup. Is she, humming? Indeed she was, a soothing sound that made him feel everything was going to be just fine.

It had been a long walk so far, though Kemo didn't mind. Walking with company was a rather enjoyable experience, much better than traveling alone like he had done to get here. Sticking close to the unique sounds her paws made, it was easy to stay on the path and he had no fear of running into anything. The knock on the head from the branch still made itself evident and he remembered to be extra careful to stay near the luperci in front of him.

His paw hit something and he realized it was another stick like the one he had found earlier. He stopped momentarily to pick it up in his teeth, dragging it along with him a little hurriedly to catch up, not knowing he had arrived in the village until the scent had hit him. Here it was, the scent marker that marked the territory line of the AniWaya pack, and he was now crossing it. He dragged the large stick through the imaginary territory line, following carefully close to Ralla before her footsteps stopped and the loud crashing noise of wood against wood could only be assumed that she had dumped the stack of firewood onto a bigger stack. He carefully dragged his own contribution toward where the sound came from, as well as the heavy scent of trees and freshly cut wood, and carefully placed the stick on the pile as best as he could.

"I would be glad to help. All you have to do is tell me what needs to be done and I will get started to the best of my ability. You have all ready given me so much, it is only fair that I help you in any way I can in return."

It was then that he realized that he was hungry, forgetting that he needed to hunt in the excitement of meeting a new friend. "Before we go can you wait right here for just a few minutes? I have something I need to do before I see your Chief. I won't be long, and then I will help you with whatever you need done." He listened carefully, then ran off outside the village, marking its scent in his memory.

After several minutes he returned. He was carrying two rabbits in his muzzle, one a particularly plump looking one and the other still quite a bit over its normal size. These had been easy pickings for a normal wolf, though he had to go about it a slightly different way. He followed her scent from where they had walked through earlier, stopping just as he heard her impatient humming.

He placed the rabbits down in front of him, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, hunting while blind is a bit different than hunting normally. This rabbit is for you, as a token of good faith, and the other fat one is a gift for your Chief, to let him know that I mean no harm to him or his people, as is customary in my pack." One of the first things he learned, in fact.

Kemo ”talks”, walks, and thinks.

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