       The odds were against the muscular terror now, but humility seemed to be an absent ability within him. There was a significant difference between battling their own kind and hunting the pretty, but there was really no reason for Conor to insert dialogue into this situation as it was. Instead, Conor focused on what mattered; how to take down the beast before them. It should be a relatively simple task if they could stay scattered and use the wolf’s strength and limited speed to their advantage. All they had to do was to coax him about—the man could not turn at everyone at once. He was incredibly dangerous, but the Dahlians’ numbers turned this situation into a certain loss for the lone wolf.

Lavender turned to gaze upon Saluce’s silver and maroon form as his pack member spat on the ground before the disrespectful lone wolf. His pack member’s words gave him clarity, and so the young Alpha would no longer have to step in-between if one of his members sought to go for the stray’s throat. Regardless of the other’s disrespectful act, Conor would never have allowed his members to murder him on the spot before he knew what had happened. Time was running out for this one now. The dark hued Dahlian revealed a promising side of himself just then, remembering his rank and turning his face to gaze upon his leader.

Unfortunately, Conor Soul was his father’s son no matter how immerse his denial was. Taking a step towards the surrounded wolf, the Alpha’s eyes held the colours of an approaching thunderstorm. Saluce had chosen his words well. Conor’s nature did not allow cruelty to live and breathe, but this was beyond what he had experienced so far as the leader of a pack. And the rage had never pulsed within him so strongly before. ”Surrender and beg for mercy, and you may live,” he spoke boldly, adrenaline bringing a hazy red layer to the edges of his vision. The secui before him was a proud beast, but if he wished to leave with his life intact then he would have to taint his pride.


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