Nothing Old, Everything New

Bleh, mine is short, too. Think this is almost done?

Pixie tilted her head in curiosity. “What’s a library? And where’s Halifax? Is that a town around here?” She still didn’t know every tree and bush in the Souls territory, and Crimson Dreams wasn’t particularly close to whatever this Halifax place was—at least, she had never heard of Halifax before from her fellow pack members. And whatever a library was, she hoped there were plenty of books in it.

I don’t think I’d offer riding lessons myself,” said the blue-gray wolfess dryly. “If someone wanted to learn how to ride, they could come find me, but I’m way too self-centered to try to set up a business for it.” She was about to say she was a horrible teacher, but didn’t in case she would discourage Skye, even if she was only joking. The truth was, she had never taught anyone anything. “Besides, I’m fine with just one guitar.” Nevertheless, she smiled at Skye’s joke, happy that the other woman didn’t think she had to be uptight because she was a leader.

She got to her feet and swung her guitar around on her back, her violet eyes glancing around the forest before focusing back on Skye. “I’ll see you in a month, I suppose,” she said, holding her hand out once more.

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