Like Father Like Son

He sat silently thinking to himself as he leaned back in the large lounge chair. The library was always a nice quiet place for thinking, imagination, or just sitting and closing your eyes. It was a typical fall day and winter was obviously fast approaching. The ebony male allowed his golden eyes to close shut and his mind to wander to the upcoming events in his life. As scary as it may seem Aro and Sophia where adults now. Out and about exploring outside the territory. Aro had managed to go all the up to the northern pack lands without Ghita or himself knowing until he showed up late the next day. It made Jazper feel old when he thought about how old his son and daughter were getting. They were full grown for crying out loud! When he was their age he had fallen in love over night, went to Halifax for short getaways and drank until he couldn't remember what had happened. He couldn't even imagine Aro and Sophie doing such mature things. They were still his babies.

Ghita was due very soon now. Her belly was close to the ground, bigger than it had been with their first litter. Her size made Jazper's heart race and his mind wheel with anticipation. Just how many pups was she going to have? This time around was different then the last. With Aro and Sophia around Ghita and Jazper could have them take care of the pups and give the pair a break. He always wanted a baby brother growing up. Someone to love and shelter and teach the secrets of being a kid to. With a smile he stood up, an idea filling his head with excitement. Aro was an adult, a Knight, he was about to start a new adventure of his own with little siblings watching all the way. With a howl he called his son to join him. Jazper had a surprise for his son.


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