Chasing Ghosts

WC: --- OOC:Let me welcome you to souls!!! Second off, Welcome to CdA!!! You’re our first joiner <3. Also is there an art that your wolf would like to join into on the ranks? (you can look on the ranking, and they are in Italian but if you hover over the words they will tell you what they are Smile)

Shawchert was doing what he did best, walking and playing his flute. He loved the sound it made, mostly in open air, but as he now lived mostly in the forests of the Ethereal Eclipse he was finding the sounds that the flute made through the trees was just as good if not better. He was actually moving away from his own territory for now, he was going to go explore more of the thick forest, that was… until he saw movement. He stopped in his tracks, continuing his music playing for a second, trying to get a good eye on what it was. Past a tree… he could see a youngster, he stopped playing and looked with interest. His ears perked. There was someone treading near his lands, and though he seemed lost he was about to tread inside his lands. Though Shawchert was a very nice wolf with a kind demeanor he also was very territorial, especially with the instability of the new pack, he didn’t want to have to chase out this young boy even if he hadn’t known.

Hello there,

He called dropping his flute to his side. His recent wounds he’d received in a fight were stinging him through the wind but he tended to ignore them. They’d grow into scars soon enough. He waited hoping the boy would stop soon. Shawchert didn’t know how the newcomer would react to his size as Shawchert was quite a large male, who stood over eight feet in height. He stood in a distance waiting for the other to stop and reply.

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