follow the wind
ooc;; 20.10.10 Oberon's Spring

The wind was engaged in a roudy game of tag with the grass and the few autumn flowers that dared to brave the coming winter. Long tendrils of thick wind would sweep in and play with the grass and the flowers. They would giggle and laugh, waiting for their turn to shout the words back at the wind. It was an amusing game to watch, and it reminded Saul of the play date he had participated in just days before. Mia had only just arrived in Dahlia, but Saul felt like he knew her inside out. It was true to think that he was fond of the little grey furball and he was glad that he would have more time to play together. Maybe next time, they would actually be able to play hide and go seek like he had proposed in the first place. A gentle smile lifted his lips as he thought of Mia. She was so full of life it was heartening to see her running around the house at all hours. Still, he had made his promise to one day show her how the wolves of Dahlia were different.

Just recently, Saul had been feeling off. Just little things that worried him slightly. Like this morning, waking up when the sun had already risen, instead of rising with it. His run had been fairly short this morning, a lap around Flanders Field, St Pepins Vineyard and around the Wasteland. He was putting on more weight thanks to the steady supply of food heading his way. No longer emaciated, just a little on the thin side. He had been suffering from terrible shivers recently, sometimes so bad he seemed to be shaking himself out of his skin. And he was running a temperature. His thoughts chased back to the meeting with Gideon, when his younger brother had admitted that he was scared about shifting. Could these "off" feelings have anything to do with him shifting. He hoped so.

Green eyes were bright in the twilight as he watched the river rush past. He didnt know the name for the place he rested, but he could hear a gentle bubble of a spring not too far away. The stars shone brilliantly and the moon hung in a semicircle above him. It was odd for him, but he was thinking more about what he wanted to do with his life. His brothers, especially Gideon, no longer needed him. He was an older brother without a purpose. Part of him believed this was because he had gotten lost, and his brothers had had to grow up a bit. But it would have been nice to come back and still be needed. Perhaps he could ease his brothers worries about shifting by doing it together. A soft sigh echoed from his lips as he stood up. He wasnt usually out this late, but he found that he wanted a little solitude this evening.

A flash in the water caught his attention and Saul padded closer. The expanse of water he was near was neither deep or fast running, and only a few tiny silver fish swam in the bed. He was tempted to catch one of them, but decided against it. He wasnt hungry, and he was no expert at fishing. Gideon had promised to teach him, but he was a little too busy with his pups at the moment. Saul tried not to be resentful of the two pups, but sometimes he slipped. Another sigh escaped him before, for no apparent reason, he hit the grass on his side and rolled onto his back, staring at the stars and trying to will them to figure his life out for him. There was no answer.

word count;; 486

"speech" "speech"

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