Angels on the Moon


OOC Sorry this wasn't up yesterday my internet and phone went down JUST as I copied my word document stuffs onto here -_- Phone line is still down. <3

Hanging around the manor bored Jazper but he had managed to keep his mind busy by hanging around in the library. Ghita had told him a few nights ago that she felt as though she was due soon. With that news Jazper automatically had spent the past days waiting anxiously for Ghita's call. At first he had tried, like the fool he was, to stay as physically close to his mate by hiding in the next room. However, Ghita had quickly scolded him and he now spent the hours reading, playing violin and piano, and transporting the odd weapon or nifty item from the military base.

On this particular day the Knight had spent the day concerned with Ghita's behavior. It was obvious that the pups would arrive any time now. He had silently listened to her constant movement in their bed upstairs, her steps every now and then that walked around the manor and back up to their room. When she left the building he had went upstairs to check only to see her walk to th forest and throw up what she had eaten that morning. The sickness worried the ebony male, was something going wrong with the pregnancy?

Now he sat silently reading, cuddled into a big comfy chair in corner of the the library. He was consumed by the green covered book in his hands. It was about the life cycle of humans. It was shocking for him to learn that they waited nine months for only one little child. He couldn't imagine waiting so long for only one child. It was less shocking to hear that some of these humans could carry two or more babies like wolves did. It was shortly after he learned this that his ears perked up and his heart began to race. Upon hearing the words from his mate he jumped to his feet, leaving the book thrown carelessly on the floor.

Hurrying around the corner to the living room, where he had herd the call, he looked to his mate laying on the floor with a sense of hopelessness. What if something went wrong? Even though they had been through this once before the concern clutched to his heart and brain. Rushing he grabbed a blanket from a near by couch and spread it out on the floor directly beside Ghita. “Here, lay on this.” His golden eyes looked at her with love and excitement hoping she would listen to him this time as the fur blanket would make her more comfortable and keep the pups from landing on a cold floor. With a smile he lifted his own muzzle into the air and let out a call to family and friends. He would need the assistance of some females to keep his mate calm. Lowering his head he hesitantly placed a hand on Ghita's side his imagination began to wander. How many? Boys or girls? Would any not survive? “I'm right here love.” He reassured in a gentle and clam voice, very misleading to his own emotions.


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