Remember the Footsteps

Imus ad finem huius fabula? (Roughly translates to “Shall we end this thread?” I’m trying out my Latin Tongue) Word Count: 564

The blue-gray fae nodded in agreement. “Yeah, they were.” However, she wasn’t as interested as the dark gray giant was in learning about humans. Even after she learned how to read properly, she was planning on focusing more on reading about music and riding; she was sure there were written works that could tell her more about both skills that she was passionate about. At Jazper’s comment about the humans’ rapid growth, she grinned and pointed out, “Hey, our species changed much more in a much shorter time. I guess anything’s possible, especially with all that crazy technology they had.” From the stories she had heard, the humans had actually been planning to make themselves even better and more powerful as a species before the virus went out of control and wiped them out. Apparently it was difficult for them to be pleased with their own biological attributes.

She listened in interest as Jazper talked about his family but snickered at his last comment; she could only wish she had just three siblings. Growing a little more serious at his question about her own family, she explained, “I’m sure that they’re still living down south in Penny Slavia, down by the coast. Most of my family, anyways—my mother and my father and a good amount of siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, and that sort. They probably haven’t moved much; like I said before, my parents were never wanderers and we only moved once when I was growing up, and even then it wasn’t very far. I know some of my siblings left like I did, but it was to start families of their own. Melbourne and I were a little different.”

Sighing as she recalled her older sibling, she continued, “We left because we were travelers. We wanted to see new places and meet new people, and we were tired of being lost among the rest of our huge family. Melbourne—my brother—he decided to leave before I did. He told me he was heading north, but nothing else. So when I decided to leave the pack, I headed north as well. Finding him wasn’t a huge priorty for me, and even now it isn’t, but I figured that if I headed north I would have a better chance of seeing him, and that would be nice.” She hadn’t expected to find him when she left to live on her own, and it was just as well; there wasn’t a single clue of Melbourne she had found in her travels. For all she knew, he could have easily changed his mind and decided to head furthur south instead. Melbourne was very spontaneous.

Going back to the subject of the other wolf’s family, she glanced back at the three pups, trying to imagine each of them as Jazper described them. “It’s cool how you can already tell what they’ll act like. You must know them pretty well.” Her own parents seemed to know little about her, even after she was well off of mother’s milk. When Halifax was mentioned, her ears perked up in curiosity. “Where’s Halifax? Is that the abandoned town not too far from here?” She had wandered around the city instead of passing through it when she had first headed towards Crimson Dreams. “And if you need to be heading there soon, I’ll let you go,” she added, slowly standing up.

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