Expect welcome bells

OOC: yes he is a very very angry wolf, may have to work him a little before he calms down.

Shawchert wasn’t in a happy mood right now, he had stubbed his toe while finishing up the last bit of wall from his house, and now it just hurt bad. He was in quite a grumpy mood, and what’s worse, he saw a horse… well he didn’t care much about the horse being in his territory as he was about the woman on the horse. Could she not smell the pack? Were his markings not strong enough to scent out? Was he just not smelly enough to shove people away from a territory? He had to change into his Halfling form to chase her down. Once he got close enough his voice boomed loudly.

You are trespassing on pack territory, I really hope you have a good excuse as to why you are.

His voice boomed to her, his own eyes were angry, he was pretty much been spit on for the second time, why did people do this? It annoyed him to no end, did they think that they all could get away with just coming to his land unexpected? He knew they were new, but it’d been half a month since they really settled in and the scent markers were quite clear now. Shawchert was welcome for others to come into his territory… but not without permission.

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