just like you this time shall pass

When Gabriel next spoke to him, he fixed his brother with a dark scowl, having already been forced into accepting the fact that he would have to accept their help. He didn't want to, seeing as it would make him feel both incompetent and inferior (two things which, in his mind, he was not), but he wasn't really given a choice. He growled under his breath, looking away from the oddly marked hybrid as if it were some kind of sin to make him accept such terms. He was a cynical sadist in the making, and he would one day be capable of showing it to the world, but for the time being all of the negativity and the darkness would fester inside of him until it was released in one hell of a tempest.

Until then, he would have to look at the reliance not as an acceptance of inferiority, but as a way to make others work for him. He wouldn't have to do anything himself; it would all be brought to him, as if they were all servants and he was a true prince.

The rest of the news was unimportant, and he sunk back into his mind of schemes and sociopathic thoughts. He had no need to censor the morbidity of the world's truths, and no need to mask the macabre and masochistic being within. He wouldn't care what kind of pain came to himself if it resulted in more to others; he would be willing to sacrifice all for the chance to twist and maim, even now, although he didn't have the means yet. His idiopathic intentions would be explained in time.


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