Sorry this took a few days! Work has kept me busy x_x; 3 points.

The smell of pines were all that Bangle could smell, and though it was a pleasant smell, he had his mind set on something else for that afternoon. Lunch, for one, but also some more furs for the ever-threatening chill. The season was already evident on the ground, where ice began to settle and signs of snow were eminent. He dressed light, and yet warm, deciding it was now too cold to leave home shirtless, and so he brought along his tunic made out of deer hide. The clothing was flexible, so that he would be able to move his arms around with ease, and on the inside was extra padding to keep himself warm when his fur just wasn't enough.

Carrying his hand-crafted knife in his right hand, carved elegantly out of the leg bone of a bear, and a tall, throwing spear strapped to his back by a leather thong, Bangle found himself in the heart of the forest, walking silently and keeping his senses clear for any sign of game. His footing was quick, and he moved with an expert silence that only told someone he was around in this form often. It was like he wasn't even touching the ground, though he indeed was, but Bangle felt like he needed to go on the hunt more often in his Optime form. To the coywolf, it was always about practice in what he did best, in needing to improve himself and go past the point of perfection.

His body froze in place when he thought he saw something rustling in the bushes to the right of his path. He turned sharply on one foot, and was instantly glad he had decided that morning to remove his silver bangles, for they'd make too much noise and distract any kind of animal he'd be looking for. Bangle squatted down, feeling his tooth necklace pinch the back of his neck for a moment. As he crept up to the bush in question, he grinned cunningly at the sight of a fox tail peeking out of it.

Staying in his half-squatting position, with a quick movement he snatched the creature's tail with his left hand and dragged it out of the bushes and letting it hang upside down in the air, standing up on his two legs once he brought the creature out of hiding. "Ah-ha! I got'cha! Yer pelt will make fer great decor." He said to it, holding up his bone knife as the male lifted the fox to face level.

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