Ahahah, I've heard it before. Darn near breaks my heart :d And hope you don't mind the nickname Seyonne's been given, Bangle does that with everyone. And hope you don't mind that he picked him up again, I can edit the post if you want. +3

Bangle was used to the stressed cries of a fox when it was in danger, he'd heard them countless times. The coywolf practically rolled his eyes, not thinking anything different with this gray fox than he had with the several others he had encountered. He watched as it wriggled, tried to open its mouth and snap, but even if it did Bangle wouldn't have dropped it. He chuckled as it cried out into the open skies. "Lil' Foxtail, cry all ya want. Yer tail is simply beautiful, a job well done on keeping it clean." When the fox stopped screeching, Bangle held the fox out a ways, grinning, studying on how he'd do his skinning process. He would expect another swift cry or two before the job was done.

What he didn't expect, though, was for the fox to speak.

Bangle's eyes flew wide open, and in the shock he dropped the creature to the ground, head first, though he knew it would land on its feet. Was the coywolf going crazy or.. did it understand him? And he understood it? Did that mean.. all the foxes he'd encountered could speak his language? "Woah!" Was all he could manage to breathe out, his body still stunned. But when he realized it, Bangle knelt to the ground and picked the fox up by the tail again. He looked inquisitively at the creature, thinking, for some reason, this was just a trick so that it could escape being under the knife. "Woah there, Foxtail! You can.. speak?" Bangle quickly sheathed his knife (for now), his now-free hand resting on his knee. Curiosity got the better of him, for now, Bangle was more interested in wondering if this fox was playing a trick on him, or if, after all this time, foxes, and other creatures, understood the language of the wolf.

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