wither into truth [p]
I sent the info to Alaine, sorry for the wait <3

Lightning cracked, and thunder soon followed, but the injured male didn’t have enough strength to acknowledge it. He limped slowly to his home that he so desired, shifting his weight between his good shoulder and Ever’s warm body. She was his crutch for the distance between where they were now and Ezra’s den. The pain was excruciating, but the only thing he could do now was block it all out.

Despite the boy’s pestering, his mate stayed quiet on their trek over. It irritated the mutt, but at this point there was no energy left to waste on things other than getting home. He just sighed and kept limping. The two finally reached his small home by his favorite willow tree. The sky had finally decided to open up instead of just threaten, and throw dark in the otherwise warm, well-lit den. Rain fell on the boy, trickling down into his wound, and he let out another quiet moan. Ezra didn’t object when Ever laid him down on his bed of soft leaves and pine needles. The boy took up complaining once more, letting out quiet whines as he laid on his bed.

The mutt then realized another source of pain; the back of his neck throbbed as if someone had just taken a blunt object to the back of his head. He also noticed another thick trickle of crimson blood bleeding into his fur. “I think I found another,” he said weakly, trying to smile. He slowly turned his head to the left, showing Ever the source of blood on his neck. Once he swiveled his head back around, he looked at Ever again, swirling colorless irises making Ezra’s head spin just as much as the first time he saw them. “Ever… thank you for saving me. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he said quietly, meaning it with every ounce of his soul. “I love you. Come here,” patting the damp ground beside him, wanting his mate by his side, despite his bloodied and beaten appearance.

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Uber schmexy table by anna <33

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