wither into truth [p]

table © sie
ooc: yo c: shae, i haven't received that PM about what injuries ezra has (although by reading, i've made note of the shoulder and neck wounds), so if you could send that + info about what scars you'd like him to keep etc, i'd be mucho grateful <3
SoSuWriMo: 526

Lightning crackled outside the windows of the old Chien Hotel, and in response, the building groaned and muttered furiously. It didn't like the storm, the rain and the wind, although the wild weather had a surprisingly soothing effect on its inhabitant. The Apothecary sat close to her window, enjoying the occasional gusts of spray that the wind kicked up into her face, watching with pleasant emerald eyes as lightning arched across a bruised sky.

These sudden storms were not uncommon, but for the most part, posed a nuisance to the Cour des Miracles pack. The scurry for cover meant that nobody could be out and about, doing their dutiful business. This fact didn't seem to disturb Alaine very much, for although she loved her job as lead healer, it was nice to catch a break.

Aforementioned break was suddenly cut short as a mournful howl echoed under the whiplash of thunder. Floppy collie ears pricked to catch the faint noise, and then she was in motion - Grabbing her leather satchel, swinging it over one shoulder and wrapping the excess leather about her slender neck so that it would remain tightly attached to her when she changed from Optime to Lupus form. She did so with flawless speed brought on by skilled practice - How many times had the woman had to leave her dry home to run into unfavorable weather to find some patient on the massively-stretching territory? The tally was becoming uncountable.

Four paws were much faster than one, and with the bulging leather bag fixed firmly to her canine back, Alaine burst out of the Chien Hotel and began her journey.

Luckily for the woman, her heritage enabled her to have a certain level of speed. Although she lacked the incredible stamina of her wolfen friends, Alaine's slender limbs could move with much more agility than theirs. It was not long before the rain had soaked her through, but still the collie ran on, her creamy form a blur as it dashed under low-strung fences, over hill and dale. Mud splashed up her ivory belly, which was quickly washed clean again by the heavy sheets of rain.

She headed in a bee-line for the sound, but having never before been to a den in this area, soon realized that she would need aid in finding whoever it was that needed her talents. She was in the very heart of CdM land, and out ahead of her was a neat hill, topped with the swaying branches of the willow tree. Unfortunately, the rain smothered the scents of the pair that dwelled there-in. It was sheer luck that brought Alaine to the sheltering branches, where keen emerald eyes saw the den opening.

With a sharp bark to announce her presence, the woman halted at the opening, waiting only until the scent of blood was found by twitching pink nose before entering. Two wolves lay in a curled huddle in the gloom. They smelt of the pack, which Alaine herself did, so she didn't waste time with pleasantries. "Which of you called for help?" Breathless accented voice filled the silence between pants, "What has happened here?"

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