running through the colored cloths

It had been about two weeks since Korva first set foot on the tribe's territory, and she had been named a healer, but she had yet to begin her training. Having been very skinny and ragged, her bloody paws and her overall health had been the focus over the past fortnight, and had gotten alogn with most wolves but hadn't really connected to anyone yet. Now healed, for all practical purposes, the she-wolf decided it was time to socialize a bit. Her plain brown pelt was glossy in the sunlight, and she felt proud that she could present herself nicely again. She noticed that many of her packmates had accessories and such, and all she had were her plain lilac eyes, although she would like to get a piercing, perhaps, and some beads and feathers in her mane. They were very complimentary to the other wolves. She also noted that most liked their humanoid form, which she hadn't when she lived alone in the wild. The young wolf was getting used to finding her way around at least the village by herself. She stayed mostly in the shadows, cautious to make any friends.

This time was different, perhaps. This time she stood at the edge of the village, looking out on the fields where people worked. She wished to maybe interact with them, but felt an odd nervousness inside. She stood on her two legs, her brown arms crossed and her eyes peering around innocently. It was almost as if she felt like she was going to be attacked. Who would dare try and speak with the young she-wolf?

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