Salt and Seafarers


A warm smile crossed her muzzle and she chuckled softly at the little pup. He so enjoyed the loving scratches between his ears – a part of her secretly hoped that for his sake he would never lose his enjoyment of it. So many others, as they aged, despised being ‘pet’ in their Lupus form, as though it turned them into dogs. But they were all equal now, and there was nothing wrong with enjoying a good scratch. It almost made her wish she was in her wolf form herself and could have the favor returned.

“Yeah, I’ve eaten chicken before, too,” she said with a laugh, then leaned in close and pressed her finger to her mouth and gave a conspiratorial whisper. “Just don’t tell Marahute, ok? She’ll peck my eyes! Then again, I’m pretty sure she would eat a chicken if given the chance, too.”

“Vigilante brought you here, huh? Are you his boy?” She looked the pup over again, but if Vigil was his father then he must have taken after the other side of the family. “You know, you never did tell me your name.”

She waited a moment for the pup’s reply, though her eyes turned from him to stare out at the sea. The waves were so soothing right now, and she realized that she missed the Cour des Miracles coastline. Perhaps she had given up more than she thought when she left, but at least she could still visit.

Orin closed her eyes for a minute, letting the sounds and scent of the ocean overcome her senses and loll her into a sense of security. This place truly was nice, it was no wonder the pup liked it so much.

“You ever been swimming?” She asked idly, her eyes still closed. It would be a shame if the pup had yet to know the joys of skipping about in the waves, with the slimy seaweed at you feat and the salty ocean spray battering your body.


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