New everything
The idea of owning a bird was a magnificent one in the eyes of the pup, as much as the thought of being a Knight like that unknown Haven. Arnette didn't seem too fazed, though she didn't seem to know about the bird at the same time. "Unca Niro has a bird?" The rest of her words made the male pup snort hot air through his nose. "Why you want a bird that tweets? That ain't a bird. That's food." He huffed, his tail twisting around his haunches as he gave her a grumpy gaze. If he was going to have a bird like Niro, he wanted it to be a big bird like Marahute, not some tweety bird he saw sitting in trees. Those weren't interesting birds; they were stupid birds.

His excitement rose when he realized he was going to get to play a game. It had been something he had looked forward to for, well, as long as he had been staying in Lunenburg. Of course, it all depended on the type of game. He grimaced at the idea of playing a little baby game, like he used to when he lived with his mother. But she didn't offer up baby games. "Me an' my brofer play chase, an we resle too. You can do those!" He grinned joyously, tail thumping against the ground loudly. "I likea wrestlin'!" He jumped to his feet, body pitching forward into a post meant to play.

The fact that she was so small didn't cross his mind for a moment, but he stood straight after he really looked at her. "You is kinda small. You sure you won' getta hurt?" His good ear fell back uneasily.

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