-Delicate Ice Breaker

There was a thick fog clouding the territory today. The day was gloomy, but it was only early. Who knew what the rest of the day would bring? Maybe the fog would clear up, and the sun would peak through the clouds. Moonfyre looked up at the sky through the few trees that were around him. One little ray of sun peeked through the clouds. The one ray was not enough to lighten the day, though.

His paws sunk into the damp earth underneath them with every step he took. The trees cleared, and now there was a creek before him. He followed the water bank bored with not much else to do. He watched his own reflection as he walked. His muscles rippled in such an interesting way. He had never really seen his own full body reflection like this before. It was fascinating to him. He stopped walking, and just stood there looking himself over.

A sweet call flowed through the sky reaching his ears. Ahh, another. Moonfyre looked toward the sweet voice’s sound and saw a dot in the distance. She was just sitting there near the creek almost calling out to him personally. There was nothing on his mind more than meeting this female being the whore that he usually is. Mate #2.. He growled at the strange voice that called to him from inside his head. After about a yard, he reached her, and silently approached. He kept his distance, but also made sure he was seen.

"Infidelity is wrong."


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